
https://www.funakoshi.co.jp/exports_contents/46113 | https://www.funakoshi.co.jp/exports_contents/80537 |

[ Manufacturer : BDL ] | [ Manufacturer : BDL ] |
Product name | Size | Code | Product name | Size | Code |
DynaMarker, PrestainMarker for Small RNA Plus | 150μl | DM253 |
DynaMarker, PrestainMarker for Small RNA Plus | 150μl | DM253 | DynaMarker, RNA High for Easy Electrophoresis | 1set | DM170 |

https://www.funakoshi.co.jp/exports_contents/81351 | https://www.funakoshi.co.jp/exports_contents/80549 |

√ Useful for KI (Knock-IN) application in genome editing such as CRISPR-Cas* √ Covering the range of 0.5 kb ~ 10 kb ssDNA preparation | Non-denatured protein = Can be used forfunctional assays. Analysis of protein complex⇒Immunoprecipitation Analysis of enzyme activity ⇒Enzyme assays |
*As of November 2021, it was reported that efficient knock-in using the long ssDNA prepared with these kits (#DS615 & #DS625) as donor DNA, but we have not confirmed the results of genome editing using #DS635. Yoshimi K.,et. al.,Nat. Commun.,7: 10431 (2016) .[PMID: 26786405]Liu, B.,et. al.,Nat. Immunol.,18(5),499-508(2017) .[PMID: 28319097]etc. | √ Easily concentrate and solubilize RIPA-insoluble fraction √ Less protein denature = Mild extraction √ Easy handling : just adding buffers and centrifugation |
[ Manufacturer : BDL ] | [ Manufacturer : BDL ] |
Product name | Size | Code | Product name | Size | Code |
Long ssDNA Preparation Kit for 1.5kb | 1kit | DS615 |
Long ssDNA Preparation Kit for 3kb | 1kit | DS625 | ULTRARIPA Kit for Lipid Raft | 1kit | F015 |
Long ssDNA Preparation Kit for 10kb | 1kit | DS635 |
Separate proteins widelyin the basic Laemmli gel (6%) like a “gradient gel”. |

https://www.funakoshi.co.jp/exports_contents/81387 | https://www.funakoshi.co.jp/exports_contents/81388 |

[ Manufacturer : BDL ] | [ Manufacturer : BDL ] |
Product name | Size | Code | Product name | Size | Code |
DynaMarker, Protein MultiColorStable II | 1.2ml | DM660 |
5×1.2ml | DM660L |
AllView PAGE Buffer(x20) | 500ml | DS520 | DynaMarker, Protein MultiColorStable Low Range | 200μl | DM670 |
3×200μl | DM670L |